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How to implement fruiting conditions?Updated a year ago

Once the growing medium inside the bag is fully colonized, we recommend introducing fruiting conditions. This includes fresh air exchange, room temperature 70-78 degrees, and lighting is optional. 

We have found that some growers may not need to cut the bag to introduce fresh air exchange. As the air filter patch should be sufficient in most cases. If this is the case, then just wait until the mushrooms are ready to be harvested to cut open the bag. 

If you do decide to cut the bag, then we recommend sanitizing scissors and implementing pre-inoculation cleanliness. Then cut across the top of the bag to introduce fresh air for about 30 seconds and billow out the air. Afterwards fold the bag and paper clip down. Here is a vision aid from our Youtube Channel:  

Please implement this step if needed and only if the growing medium is fully colonized. Cutting the bag too early may result in contamination.

Light is definitely beneficial. While it's not a necessity, your final product will grow a lot better if you do have it. Indirect sunlight is sufficient, but if you choose artificial light you should have a timer for 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

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