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Grow Process

Where to store your bag after inoculation?

Decide where you will store your bag to reduce environmental contamination. Clean Environmental Conditions:. Wipe down the area with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. Semi-dark room with no direct sunlight. Area with limited crosswinds. Not placed directly unde

How to sterilize your workstation?

Choose an area that will be your designated workstation for inoculation. Prepare your workstation and yourself by:. Turning off any fans, A/Cs, or heaters. Wear clean clothes, gloves, and a mask. Clean workstation with alcohol wipe or spray bottle co

How to prepare your bag for inoculation?

First, check to see if there are any abnormalities with the outside of your bag and the growing medium inside. Next, use the alcohol pad provided to clean the outside of your bag. Avoid getting alcohol on the white air filter patch. Place the alcohol

How to inoculate your bag?

Please be careful when handling the sterilized needle on your syringe. Steps. Attach the sterile needle to your syringe. Flame sterilize your syringe needle and allow it to cool. Insert your syringe needle into the injection port and inject at least

What’s the optimal temperature during the colonization period?

We recommend growers to have a room temperature that is between 70-78 degrees. If possible, the optimal temperature during the colonization period is 75-78 degrees.

When should I see visible mycelium growth?

The answer will depend on several factors such as type of genetics used for inoculation, quality and strength of genetics, and room temperature. Spores:. The first two weeks for spores undergo a process known as germination. It will take another week

Why does my bag have a lot of moisture inside?

Signs of moisture inside your bag is a good thing to have! Condensation means there is high humidity in the bag. That's what mushrooms need to thrive in the right environment.

What is the proper humidity level?

The bag being a vapor barrier, isolates the inside humidity from the outside humidity. This usually handles all of your humidity needs. During colonization you have nothing to worry about. Once you're ready for fruiting conditions you will want to in

How long will it take for my bag to be fully colonized?

Liquid Culture: 7-8 weeks. Spores: 9-10 weeks

When do I need to cut my bag?

We have found that some growers may not need to cut the bag to introduce fresh air exchange. As the air filter patch should be sufficient in most cases. If you do decide to cut the bag, then we recommend sanitizing scissors and implementing pre-inocu

When do I introduce light?

The answer depends on which stage the bag is currently in. After inoculation, you may leave the bag in the dark. We recommend the bag to be placed above waist level in an area with low traffic but available fresh air. Light is definitely beneficial.

How to implement fruiting conditions?

Once the growing medium inside the bag is fully colonized, we recommend introducing fruiting conditions. This includes fresh air exchange, room temperature 70-78 degrees, and lighting is optional. We have found that some growers may not need to cut t

What’s the optimal temperature during the fruiting stage?

After the growing medium is fully colonized, then the bag is ready for the next stage. Fruiting conditions is the next step in the growing process. An adjustment to the environmental temperature may be necessary. Within the recommended range of 70-78

Can I inoculate my bag twice?

No, your bag is only good to be inoculated once. Inoculating your bag twice will increase the risk of contamination.

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