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Does my order come with genetics?

Mushroom Supplies only sells growing mediums. Genetics will need to be obtained through a different company. We recommend obtaining dung loving mushrooms for genetics. Inoculate The World is the best in the business for mushroom genetics. Use the cod

Which needle gauge do I need for my syringe?

We recommend obtaining a syringe with 18 gauge needle size for inoculation. The needle gauge size provided from the genetics provider should be sufficient.

How much genetics do I need to use for inoculation?

We recommend inoculating with 10CC/mL of genetics for our All-In-One Mushroom Grow Kit In-A-Bag™ and Sterilized Grain for Mushroom Spawn. An amount less than 10CC/mL used for inoculation may produce slower results. While an amount more than 10CC/mL c

Can I use liquid culture or spores for inoculation?

Both liquid culture or spores work great for our All-In-One Mushroom Grow Kit In-A-Bag™ and Sterilized Grain for Mushroom Spawn!

What’s the difference between liquid culture and spores?

A short and simple explanation of the difference between liquid culture and spores is the process after inoculation. Spores undergo a process known as germination which occurs within the first 2-3 weeks after inoculation. During this process, two com

Can I use agar for inoculation?

Agar dishes can be used for testing the strength of genetics and possible signs of contamination. This process will require more skills and knowledge to prevent contamination. Once the agar dishes are fully colonized, then a transfer can be made into

How much cc should be used in a 3lb Grow Kit Bag?

We recommend using a syringe with 10cc of genetics. For both our 3lb and 5lb Mushroom Grow Kit in a Bag.

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